HIMSS+EURASIA Health Conference & Exhibition
İstanbul, Türkiye 22-24 November 2023
HIMSS+EURASIA was held in Turkey’s vibrant city of Istanbul, to assess the progress of digital health transformations across the region and beyond.
With the theme “Health that Connects, Tech that Cares,” the conference focused on several key topics, including interoperability, cybersecurity, responsible use of AI, and modernizing digital infrastructure. The exhibition floor also offered attendees the opportunity to explore the latest impactful solutions driving the future of connected health.
Health that connects + Tech that cares. It all adds up.
Impactful Awareness enables Meaningful Conversations

Social media
1.5m+ impressions

116k+ pageviews

180k+ subscribers

Google Ads
2.3m+ impressions
Broad attendance from executive level decision makers and C-suite influencers.
Almost 78% are directly involved in the delivery of care.
HIMSS 23 Worksites
HIMSS 23 Top Job Profiles
Attendees from all around the world united at HIMSS+EURASIA 23.
Top 10 Countries

United States