2-4 Aralık / Antalya Türkiye
2-4 Aralık / Antalya Türkiye
First Day
Opening and Protocol Speeches
Prof. Dr. Kemal Memişoğlu
Minister of Health of the Republic of Turkey
Assoc. Dr. Şuayip Birinci
Deputy Minister of Health of the Republic of Turkey
Khawaja Salman Rafik
Minister of Health of Pakistan Punjab
Asst. Prof. Dr Milena Cojić
Deputy Minister of Health of Montenegro
The Use of AI in Decision Support Systems
Moderator: Assoc. Dr. Hakan Gülkesen
Akdeniz University
Everton Santos
VP International, KLAS Research
Prof. Dr. Brandon Donnely
Chief Strategic Advisor, Pixsellar
Yavuz Gençer
Assistant General Manager, AKGÜN Technology
Eray Kaplan
Vice President of TİTCK
Peter Moll
Masterclass 1 Education: A New Era in Electronic Health Records: e-Nabız and SGK Integration
Gülay Doğan Ermiş
Ministry of Health, Health Information Systems, e-Nabız Coordinator
Focus Group ELSEVIER Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Revolutionizing Clinical Decision Making
Laís Junqueira
Quality, Patient Safety and Innovation Manager, Elsevier
Keynote-1 / AI Health System of the Digital Age
Assoc. Dr. Şuayip Birinci
Deputy Minister of Health of the Republic of Turkey
Dr. Muharrem Usta
Chairperson of the Board of Trustees, Istinye University
Beyond Digital Transformation: People and Systems in Health Ecosystems
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Ümit Kervan
TÜSEB President
Assoc. Dr. Muhammed Atak
General Director of Health Improvement
Serhan Acar
President, ARTED
Ufuk Eren
Volitan Global
Assoc. Dr. Baran Balcan
Assoc. Dr. Bahri Elmas
Kocaeli City Hospital Chief Physician
Adem Doğruyol
Turkcell Health Services Director
KLAS Research: Unleash the Potential of EMR/EHR: Global Healthcare IT Trends to Revolutionize Patient Care
Everton Santos
VP International, KLAS Research
Digital Technologies and Successful Implementation Examples in Financial Sustainability in Healthcare
Moderator: Banu Küçükel
President of the Health Services Assembly, TOBB
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eren Usul
Director General of GSS, SGK
Ricky Sahu
Ricky Sahu
Tuba Buldu
Türkiye Insurance
What will be the Standards for Turkiye’s Smart Hospitals?
Moderator: Dr. İlker Köse
Health 4.0
Esra Zehir Yıldız
MoH General Directorate of Health Information Systems, Unit Supervisor
Dr. Gürhan Zincircioğlu
Board Member, HIMSS Europe
Nihat Barış Sebik
Ministry of Health, Head of Department at the General Directorate of Health Information Systems
Masterclass 2 Protecting the Personal Data and Responsibilities of the Hospitals
Av. Ferhat Doğrusöz
Health IT Systems General Director
Roundtable Discussion Marking and Labeling Radiological Images with Teleradiology System: Data Preparation for Artificial Intelligence and Scientific Studies Special for Guests: Private Healthcare Providers
Assoc. Dr. Şuayip Birinci
Deputy Minister of Health of the Republic of Turkey
Dr. Özgür Sezer
Head of Health Information Systems
Nihat Barış Sebik
Ministry of Health, Head of Department at the General Directorate of Health Information Systems
Emrah Karakas
Ministry of Health, Teleradiology System Unit Supervisor
Second Day
The Use of AI Technologies in Establishing Sustainable Systems and Future Opportunities and Threats
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Songül Varlı
Head of TÜSEB Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute
Prof. Dr. Ebru Akçapınar Sezer
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Hakan Karataş
General Manager, AKGÜN Technology
Bubori Zsolt
EIT Health, Ecosystem Lead for Hungary
Dr. Mecit Yüzkat
TÜSEB, Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute, Researcher
Dr. Lecturer Habib Özdemir
TÜSEB, Institute for Artificial Intelligence Applications, Researcher
From Primary Care to Home Health Services; Screening, Monitoring, and Disease Management
Moderator: Dr. Abdülvahit Sözüer
Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health Istanbul KHHB 4-5 President, Istanbul Home Health and Wound Care Services Administration
Md. Tuğba Güler Sönmez
Head of the Department of Family Medicine Education Monitoring
Dr. Gökçe Banu Laleci Ertürkmen
R&D Director, SRDC
Fatoş Yürürdurmaz
Director of Healthcare Services, Tire State Hospital
Farid Bidgoli
Roche Turkiye General Manager
Ufuk Eren
Volitan Global
Focus Group Meeting TDM Clinic Digitalization of Healthcare Presentations and the Future of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
Ali Yıldız
TDM Clinic, General Manager
Turkey as a Leading Country in Health Exports and Healthy Living Technologies
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Cengizhan Öztürk
Behlül Ünver
General Manager, USHAŞ
Fatma Derya Koç
Head of Informatics, General Directorate of International Service Trade, Ministry of Trade
Fatih Tan
Head of Health Group, Aselsan
Health Service Delivery, Equity in Health and Digital Transformation
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Haluk Özsarı
Assoc. Dr. Muhammed Emin Demirkol
General Director of Public Health, Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Health
Hakan Polat
Elevate Health, President of Executive Board
Hüseyin Çelik
Health Care Business Consulting Company, Founder
Round Table Meeting: Discussion Session on Artificial Intelligence Strategy in Healthcare with the Private Sector (By Invitation Only)
Assoc. Dr. Şuayip Birinci
Deputy Minister of Health of the Republic of Turkey
Prof. Dr. Ebru Akçapınar Sezer
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Gamze Cimilli
Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health, Department of Artificial Intelligence and Innovative Technologies
Masterclass 3 Preparation of Clinical Decision Support System Algorithms in Digital Hospital Processes
Sema Bahçeci
Koşuyolu High Specialization Training and Research Hospital, Assistant Director of Health Care Services
Focus Group Meeting Albert Health Grounbreaking Proven Results in Type 2 Diabetes Treatment
Dr. Zeynep Pelin Polat
Internal Medicine Specialist, Patient Journey Lead
Keynote/Innovation Future of the Health Services
Assoc. Prof. Rabia Sucu
Health Technology Assessment International, President
Prof. Dr. Hakkı M. Karakaş
TÜSEB Y.K. Üyesi
The Changing Dynamics of Health in Global Health Systems and Upcoming Threats and Opportunities / Country-Based Digitalization Strategies
Moderator: Assoc. Dr. Şuayip Birinci
Deputy Minister of Health of the Republic of Turkey
Khawaja Salman Rafik
Minister of Health of Pakistan Punjab
Prof. Yoshiyuki Sankai
Cyberdyne INC.,University of Tsukuba,Japan Cabinet Office
Amr Jamal
ZIMAM Co-Chair and Scientific Lead
Björn Gustafsson
UCB Intercontinental Strategy Head 2024, UCB Türkiye General Manager 2025
Ayşe Sofuoğlu
Turkish Presidency, Directorate of Strategy and Budget, Health Industry Specialist
Fast tracking Health IT (HIT), bottom up or top down?
Moderator: Philip van de Poel
Dutch Health Hub
Karel Loerts
Kalcio Healthcare Board Member
Hakan Polat
Elevate Health, President of Executive Board
Digital Transformation in Health Services from Screening and Diagnosis to Personalized Care
Moderator: Specialist Dr. Emrah Ceviz
Director General of Public Hospitals
Assoc. Prof. Abdullah Emre Guner
Istanbul Provincial Health Director
Dr. İbrahim Karakuş
Head of Department, General Directorate of Health Services
Dr. Harro Stokman
CEO & Founder Kepler Vision Technologies
Dr. Korhan An
Information Systems Director, Güven Health Group
Intensive Care Management, Practices and Solutions Against Misuse
Dr. Özgür Sezer
Head of Health Information Systems
Muhammed Gülyurt
Head of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Services, Istanbul Provincial Health Directorate
Dr. Aziz Ahmet Sürel
Chief Physician, Ankara Bilkent City Hospital
Afşin Alp
Use of Electronic Data and Artificial Intelligence in Clinical Research
Moderator: Dr. Hakan Taşlı
Memorial, Group Director
Prof. Dr. Fevzi Altuntaş
Chief Physician of Ankara Oncology Training and Research Hospital
Assoc. Dr. Viladimir Misik
Partner and Founder of LongTaal and VIARES Academy, Board Member at SanaClis
Dr. Barış Erdoğan
Evideep CEO
Third Day
The Role of Digital Technologies in the Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Industries and Future Application Scenarios
Moderator: Asım Hocaoğlu
President, TITCK
Şinasi Candan
General Manager, DMO
Metin Demir
President, SEİS
Ferda Bayşu
Dr. Ümit Dereli
AİFD General Secretary
Masterclass 4 Case Analysis on the Path to Levels 6 & 7
Hemşire Tuğba Şahin
Deputy Director, Bahçelievler State Hospital
Collective Wisdom: EURASIASTART – Health Technologies Startup Vision Meeting
Moderator: Eray Kaplan
Vice President of TİTCK
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Birhan Yılmaz
TÜSEB Başkan Yardımcısı
Melih Bulut
Prof. Dr. İsmail Mert Vural
Sağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi
Dr. Lecturer Orhan Çömlek
Health Sciences University
Assoc. Dr. Mustafa Said Yıldız
Ministry of Health
Dr. Muhammed İkbal Alp
EurasiaStart Co-Founder
You’ve Achieved a High-Tech Hospital! What’s Next?
Moderator: Dr. Reşat Bahat
President, OHSAD
Prof. Dr. Nurettin Yiyit
Yedikule Göğüs Hastalıkları ve Göğüs Cerrahisi Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Başhekimi
Andreea Vaculisteanu
Innovation Ecosystem Expert, Digital Innovation Zone
Dr. Ömer Yavuz Namlı
Chairman of the Private Hospitals Platform
Dr. Adnan Develioğlu
Chief Physician, Bahçelievler State Hospital
Dr. Ömer Koçak
Urla State Hospital Chief Physician