Dr. İlker Köse
Dr. İlker Köse

Health 4.0


İlker Köse graduated from the Department of Electronics Engineering at Istanbul University in 1999. He completed his master’s and doctoral studies in Computer Engineering at Gebze Institute of Technology. Starting his career as an IT manager in 1999, he worked as a World Bank Consultant at the Ministry of Health between 2003 and 2009. During this period, he led national healthcare IT projects such as the Family Medicine Information System, the Central Hospital Appointment System, and the National Health Information System (Sağlık-NET).

Between 2009 and 2014, he served as an R&D Director at an international private health insurance company (CGM) and successfully managed several TEYDEB projects. From 2009 onward, he has been teaching at Istanbul Medipol University, where he also served as a faculty member and the founding manager of the Technology Transfer Office (TTO) from late 2014 to December 2022. During this time, he established and managed offices for projects, patents, university-industry collaboration, and entrepreneurship.

In addition to contributing to numerous academic and industrial R&D projects, he has been leading digital transformation efforts in hospitals across Turkey for HIMSS since early 2017. Currently, he continues his industry work while also serving as a faculty member and TTO coordinator at Istanbul Commerce University.

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