President of the Health Services Assembly, TOBB
Speaking at: Digital Technologies and Successful Implementation Examples in Financial Sustainability in Healthcare
December 2, 2024 | 16:30 – 18:00
Born in 1971 in Bremen Mitte, Banu Küçükel completed her high school education at TED Ankara College and her undergraduate studies in Business Administration at Bilkent University. She later pursued an Executive MBA in Business Administration at Middle East Technical University (METU). Committed to lifelong learning, Küçükel graduated from the Harvard Business School OPM (Owner/President Management 2019 - 2023) program. During the same period, she completed the Harvard Business School MHCD (Managing Healthcare Delivery) program.
She began her professional career at Güven Hospital in 1993. As a Board Member of Güven Health Group, she played a pivotal role in the establishment of the Güven Education and Health Foundation, Güven Çayyolu Healthy Living Campus, and the Group's health technology company, Güven Future. Güven Future, her latest endeavor and passion, represents the embodiment of her vision and that of the Güven Health Group.
Having served in various departments and units within the Güven Health Group for over 30 years, Banu Küçükel continues to serve as the Chairperson of the Board of Güven Health Group.
- President, Health Sector Assembly of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB)
- President, Turkey-Estonia Business Council, Foreign Economic Relations Board (DEİK)
- Private Sector Representative, Healthcare Pricing Committee (SFK), Turkish Social Security Institution (SGK)
- Private Sector Representative, Capacity Assessment Commission (KDK), Turkish Ministry of Health
- Vice Chairperson, Board of Directors, Association of Private Hospitals and Healthcare Institutions (OHSAD)
- Member, Healthcare Services Committee, Service Exporters Association (HİB)
- Member, Board of Directors, Turkish Industry and Business Association (TÜSİAD)
- Chairperson, Healthcare Technologies Committee, Digital Technologies Business Council (DEİK)